UK packaging prepress company Contact Originators has created a flexo alliance with fellow repro house PN Graphics in Dublin, Ireland, giving it dedicated facilities in the country and helping PN Graphics to target more wide web flexible packaging and corrugated markets.

The alliance includes the establishment of a new flexo platemaking facility in an extension to PN Graphics’ Dublin production site, equipped by Contact with large format machinery, similar to its own HQ site in Dukinfield, England.

Steve Mulcahy, CEO at Contact Originators, commented, ‘As well as giving us a foothold in the local market, it gives us greater access to the European print sector and a means to better serve both existing and new customers in Ireland and Europe. This is one part of our strategic roadmap to grow Contact Originators and improve our service and response time to the market.

‘It is a highly reciprocal relationship though; PN Graphics will benefit from the opportunity to dive into the wide-format flexible packaging market, which is lucrative in Ireland. This reflects our ethos that when we grow, our partners grow too.’

For PN Graphics, owner Paul O’Neill said, ‘We are delighted to be working with Contact Originators to build upon our heritage in labels and flexible packaging whilst opening the business up to the rest of the flexo industry. It comes as a result of 12 months of collaboration and significant investment from both parties. Creating a flexo alliance directly in Ireland provides a great opportunity for both companies to better serve the needs of the region’s printers and converters.’

The Irish company has been producing plates for more than 27 years and is an established presence in the country’s label and flexible packaging markets.