Flexible packaging manufacturer Coveris has entered a new green power purchase agreement for its 18 UK sites that will see more than half of its electricity demand for the UK come from sustainable sources.

The agreement with CE Rigmuir, which begins on 1 September 2024, follows a recently announced 10-year energy agreement with Neoen for the business’s European facilities.

The onshore wind technology project with CE Rigmuir has a capacity of 13.5 MW (approximately 40,500 MWh), and is located in East Kilbride, South Lanarkshire, Scotland. The project supports and facilitates the reliable energy transfer from the wind farm into Coveris’ energy supply through new energy contracts. In addition, Coveris will benefit from holding REGO (Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin) certificates through the deal.

Christian Kolarik, CEO of Coveris, commented, ‘At Coveris, reducing our carbon footprint and switching to renewable energy are integral components of our ‘No Waste’ sustainability strategy. These agreements represent an incredible milestone for Coveris as we are likely to be one of the first packaging companies to complete a physical power purchase agreement (PPA), which is more complex and less common than a virtual PPA. By securing these agreements, we are ensuring that a significant portion of our energy consumption is derived from renewable sources. We are thereby reducing our environmental impact and setting a benchmark for the packaging industry, within the ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) framework.’