A new digital tool from XSYS enables its customers to configure and order the company’s rotec adapter sleeves, exactly specified for their flexo press, in a simple and streamlined online process.

The rotec Adapter Configuration Tool guides customers through a step-by-step configuration of their adapter, including dimensions and application details, and addressing issues such as press vibration, speed, print quality, operator health and safety, and costs. Using this information, the tool chooses the best rotec adapter to meet the requirements.

Further customisation comes through the selection of the customer’s chosen air source and air distribution technology, as well as options that can improve efficiency or extend the adapter’s lifespan, such as notches and rings, registration tools, and conductivity technology.

Once all of these aspects have been finalised, XSYS will provide a personalised quotation, approval of which triggers manufacture and shipping of the adapter.

Thomas Strohe, director of commercial excellence at XSYS, commented, ‘We have already experienced great success with the XSYS Product Selector and the recently introduced Flexo Solution Finder, which are both popular services. Now, with the rotec Adapter Configuration Tool, customers can customise an adapter specific to their application and requirements, simply by visiting our website at their convenience.’