Leicester-based label printers Label Apeel is celebrating after taking home two awards in one week. First the company won the award for Label of the Year at the UK Packaging Awards 2012. This was followed the next day by winning the Labels Award at Digital Printer 2012 for Morphy Richards Home Made Heroes.
The Label of the Year Award was for Gilpin’s Gin and was chosen out of the six other shortlisted for its ‘print quality, and understated elegance, that set new heights for the judges’. One judge said that the embossing detail on the label was ‘the finest I have ever seen’. Another simply described it as ‘beautiful’. The key element to the label’s success lies in the mix of digital printing with the embossing; each bottle is individually numbered with both a bottle number and a batch number. The overall result is a premium look that gives the product a real presence in the high end cocktail bars where it is sold, but with the personal touch. As one judge said, ‘This is ‘my’ bottle.’