(L-R) Nick Tyrer, sales director of MPS UK, and Vince Hughes, coating and technical manager, Stampiton UK, with the new EF Flexo Press.
MPS has installed a new eight colour EF flexo press at Stampiton Labels based in the UK to increase production capacity in its core business area, milk labels.
The press has a web width of 520 mm and is equipped with the APC Advanced automation extension package, which includes double servo positioning motors for print sleeves and material thickness settings.
Perfect register and waste-reduction performance were key elements for the company in selecting its first MPS press. All of their labels are printed on a wide range of materials, and the press must be able to hold register and die-cut at very high print speeds on these wide ranging substrates.
Nick Tyrer, sales director of MPS Systems UK commented, ‘We are pleased to receive this new order from a reputable label printer in the UK. Coupled with Stampiton’s in-house coating expertise, their new MPS EF flexo press will further extend their capacity of label production in environments of high-speed dairy bottling lines.’