Chris Whitehead from the BCF explained the migration risks


Held ahead of the 2016 Awards, the first FlexoTech seminar saw a panel of experts discuss the topic of low migration printing when they met on 13 October in London.

Sponsored by Flint Group Narrow Web, the successful seminar was the first of what is set to become an annual event that will tackle the challenges faced by the flexo printing industry.

The panel consisted of Chris Whitehead, printing ink consultant, British Coatings Federation; Dr Patrik Gavelin, R&D director, product development laboratory, EMEA/APAC, Flint Group Narrow Web; Marcus Greenbrook, international sales manager, GEW; and Daragh Whelan, operations/technical director, Americk Packaging Haverhill, who examined all aspects of migration, along with the challenges they pose for printers and suppliers to the food packaging industry.

‘The issue of potential migration of ink components into foodstuffs remains a difficult and very technical topic, which affects the entire supply chain,’ said managing editor Neel Madsen. ‘We have long thought that the day of the FlexoTech Awards would provide the ideal opportunity for discussing such key issues, and it was clear from the many questions following the technical presentations that there is a need for such an event.’

A full report will be published in the next issue.